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What will you learn from this book?

If you have an idea for a killer Android app, this book will help you build your first working application in a jiffy. You'll learn hands-on how to structure your app, design interfaces, create a database, make your app work on various smartphones and tablets, and much more. It's like having an experienced Android developer sitting right next to you! All you need is some Java know-how to get started.

Why does this book look so different?

Based on the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory, Head First Android Development uses a visually rich format to engage your mind, rather than a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep. Why waste your time struggling with new concepts? This multi-sensory learning experience is designed for the way your brain really works.

Chapter 1 Getting Started: Diving In
Welcome to Androidville
The Android platform dissected
Here's what we're going to do
Your development environment
Install Java
Build a basic app
Let's build the basic app
Activities and layouts from 50,000 feet
Building a basic app (continued)
Building a basic app (continued)
You've just created your first Android app
Android Studio creates a complete folder structure for you
Useful files in your project
Edit code with the Android Studio editors
Run the app in the Android emulator
Creating an Android Virtual Device
Run the app in the emulator
You can watch progress in the console
Test drive
What just happened?
Refining the app
What's in the layout?
activity_main.xml has two elements
The layout file contains a reference to a string, not the string itself
Let's look in the strings.xml file
Take the app for a test drive
Your Android Toolbox
Chapter 2 Building Interactive Apps: Apps That Do Something
You're going to build a Beer Adviser app
Here's what you need to do
Create the project
We've created a default activity and layout
Adding components with the design editor
activity_find_beer.xml has a new button
A closer look at the layout code
Changes to the XML...
...are reflected in the design editor
Use string resources rather than hardcoding the text
Change the layout to use the string resources
Let's take the app for a test drive
Add values to the spinner
Get the spinner to reference a string-array
Test drive the spinner
We need to make the button do something
Make the button call a method
What activity code looks like
Add an onClickFindBeer() method to the activity
onClickFindBeer() needs to do something
Once you have a View, you can access its methods
Update the activity code
The first version of the activity
What the code does
Test drive the changes
Building the custom Java class
Enhance the activity to call the custom Java class so that we can get REAL advice
Activity code version 2
What happens when you run the code
Test drive your app
Your Android Toolbox
Chapter 3 Multiple Activities and Intents: State Your Intent
Apps can contain more than one activity
Here's the app structure
Create the project
Update the layout
Update strings.xml...
Create the second activity and layout
What just happened?
Welcome to the Android manifest file
Every activity needs to be declared
An intent is a type of message
Use an intent to start the second activity
What happens when you run the app
The story continues...
Test drive the app
Pass text to a second activity
Update the text view properties
putExtra() puts extra information in an intent
Update the CreateMessageActivity code
Get ReceiveMessageActivity to use the information in the intent
What happens when the user clicks the Send Message button
Test drive the app
We can change the app to send messages to other people
How Android apps work
But we don't know what apps are on the device
Create an intent that specifies an action
Change the intent to use an action
What happens when the code runs
The story continues...
The intent filter tells Android which activities can handle which actions
How Android uses the intent filter
You need to run your app on a REAL device
Test drive the app
What if you ALWAYS want your users to choose an activity?
What happens when you call createChooser()
The story continues...
Change the code to create a chooser
Test drive the app
If you have NO matching activities
Your Android Toolbox
Chapter 4 The Activity Lifecycle: Being an Activity
How do activities really work?
The Stopwatch app
The stopwatch layout code
How the activity code will work
Add code for the buttons
The runTimer() method
Handlers allow you to schedule code
The full runTimer() code
The full StopwatchActivity code
What happens when you run the app
The story continues
Test drive the app
What just happened?
Rotating the screen changes the device configuration
From birth to death: the states of an activity
The activity lifecycle: from create to destroy
Your activity inherits the lifecycle methods
How do we deal with configuration changes?
Or save the current state...
...then restore the state in onCreate()
What happens when you run the app
The story continues
Test drive the app
There's more to an activity's life than create and destroy
The activity lifecycle: the visible lifetime
We need to implement two more lifecycle methods
The updated StopwatchActivity code
What happens when you run the app
Test drive the app
But what if an app is only partially visible?
The activity lifecycle: the foreground lifetime
Stop the stopwatch if the activity's paused
What happens when you run the app
Test drive the app
The complete activity code
Your handy guide to the lifecycle methods
Your Android Toolbox
Chapter 5 The User Interface: Enjoy the View
Your user interface is made up of layouts and GUI components
Three key layouts: relative, linear, and grid
RelativeLayout displays views in relative positions
Adding padding
Positioning views relative to the parent layout
Attributes for positioning views relative to the parent layout
Positioning views relative to other views
Attributes for positioning views relative to other views
Use margins to add distance between views
RelativeLayout: a summary
LinearLayout displays views in a single row or column
A linear layout displays views in the order they appear in the layout XML
Let's change up a basic linear layout
Here's the starting point for the linear layout
Make a view streeeeetch by adding weight
Adding weight to one view
Adding weight to multiple views
Use gravity to specify where text appears in a view
Test drive
Using the android:gravity attribute: a list of values
Move the button to the right with layout-gravity
More values you can use with the android:layout-gravity attribute
The full linear layout code
LinearLayout: a summary
GridLayout displays views in a grid
Adding views to the grid layout
Let's create a new grid layout
We'll start with a sketch
Row 0: add views to specific rows and