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The professional programmer's Deitel® guide to smartphone and tablet app development using AndroidT 6 and Android Studio Billions of apps have been downloaded from Google PlayT! This book gives you everything you need to start developing great apps quickly and getting them published on Google PlayT. The book uses an app-driven approach-each new technology is discussed in the context of eight fully coded and tested Android apps, complete with syntax shading, code highlighting, code walkthroughs and sample outputs. Apps you'll develop include:
Welcome App
Cannon Game
Tip Calculator
Weather Viewer
Flag Quiz
Twitter® Searches
Address Book
Practical, Example-Rich Coverage of:
Android 6, Android Studio: GradleT, Vector Asset Studio, Theme Editor
Material Design App Templates and Themes
AppCompat Library, Android Design Support Library, RecyclerView, FloatingActionButton, TextInputLayout
Material Design Elevation and Icons
REST Web Services/JSON, Threading, SQLiteT Database, Android 6 Permissions
Cursors, Loaders, ContentProviders
Supporting Various Screen Sizes/Resolutions
Accessibility, Internationalization
Activities, Fragments, Intents, Preferences
GUIs, Layouts, Menus, Resource Files, Events, Touch/Gesture Processing, Images, Audio, Graphics, Animation
Immersive Mode, PrintHelper
Google PlayT Store, App Publishing, Pricing, Marketing, In-App Advertising, In-App Billing, Virtual Goods and more
The first-generation Android phones were released in October 2008. As of June 2015, Android had 82.8% of the global smartphone market share, compared to 13.9% for Apple and 2.6% for Microsoft (http:// www.idc.com/prodserv/smartphone-os-market-share.jsp). Billions of apps have been downloaded from Google Play and more than one billion Android devices were shipped worldwide in 2014 (http://www.cnet.com/news/android-shipments-exceed- 1-billion-for-first-time-in-2014/). The opportunities for Android app developers are enormous.
This book presents leading-edge computing technologies for professional software developers. At the heart of the book is the Deitel app-driven approach-concepts are presented in the context of complete working Android apps, rather than using code snippets. The introduction and app test drives at the beginning of each chapter show one or more sample executions. The book's source code is available at http://www.deitel.com/books/AndroidFP3.
The apps in this book were carefully designed to introduce you to key Android features and APIs. You'll quickly learn everything you need to start building Android apps-beginning with a test-drive of the Tip Calculator app in Chapter 1, then building one new app in each of Chapters 2 through 9. By the time you reach Chapter 10, you'll be ready to create your own apps for submission to Google Play and other app marketplaces. You'll master the Google Play submission process, including uploading your apps. You'll decide whether to sell your apps or offer them for free, and learn how to market them via social media and monetize them with in-app advertising, in-app billing, virtual goods and more.
Preface xxi
Before You Begin xxxi
Chapter 1: Introduction to Android 1
1.1 Introduction 2
1.2 Android-The World's Leading Mobile Operating System 3
1.3 Android Features 3
1.4 Android Operating System 6
1.5 Downloading Apps from Google Play 13
1.6 Packages 14
1.7 Android Software Development Kit (SDK) 16
1.8 Object-Oriented Programming: A Quick Refresher 18
1.9 Test-Driving the Tip Calculator App in an Android Virtual Device (AVD) 21
1.10 Building Great Android Apps 30
1.11 Android Development Resources 32
1.12 Wrap-Up 34
Chapter 2: Welcome App 35
Dive-Into® Android Studio: Introducing Visual GUI Design, Layouts, Accessibility and Internationalization
2.1 Introduction 36
2.2 Technologies Overview 37
2.3 Creating an App 38
2.4 Android Studio Window 44
2.5 Building the App's GUI with the Layout Editor 49
2.6 Running the Welcome App 65
2.7 Making Your App Accessible 66
2.8 Internationalizing Your App 67
2.9 Wrap-Up 72
Chapter 3: Tip Calculator App 73
Introducing GridLayout, EditText, SeekBar, Event Handling, NumberFormat, Customizing the App's Theme and Defining App Functionality with Java
3.1 Introduction 74
3.2 Test-Driving the Tip Calculator App 75
3.3 Technologies Overview 76
3.4 Building the GUI 81
3.5 Default Theme and Customizing Theme Colors 88
3.6 Adding the App's Logic 92
3.7 AndroidManifest.xml 100
3.8 Wrap-Up 103
Chapter 4: Flag Quiz App 105
Fragments, Menus, Preferences, Explicit Intents, Handler, AssetManager, Tweened Animations, Animators, Toasts, Color State Lists, Layouts for Multiple Device Orientations, Logging Error Messages for Debugging
4.1 Introduction 106
4.2 Test-Driving the Flag Quiz App 108
4.3 Technologies Overview 113
4.4 Creating the Project, Resource Files and Additional Classes 121
4.5 Building the App's GUI 132
4.6 MainActivity Class 140
4.7 MainActivityFragment Class 147
4.8 SettingsActivity Class 161
4.9 SettingsActivityFragment Class 161
4.10 AndroidManifest.xml 162
4.11 Wrap-Up 164
Chapter 5: Doodlz App 165
2D Graphics, Canvas, Bitmap, Accelerometer, SensorManager, Multitouch Events, MediaStore, Printing, Android 6.0 Permissions, Gradle
5.1 Introduction 167
5.2 Test-Driving the Doodlz App in an Android Virtual Device (AVD) 168
5.3 Technologies Overview 173
5.4 Creating the Project and Resources 176
5.5 Building the App's GUI 181
5.6 MainActivity Class 187
5.7 MainActivityFragment Class 188
5.8 DoodleView Class 198
5.9 ColorDialogFragment Class 207
5.10 LineWidthDialogFragment Class 211
5.11 EraseImageDialogFragment Class 214
5.12 Wrap-Up 216
Chapter 6: Cannon Game App 217
Manual Frame-By-Frame Animation, Graphics, Sound, Threading, SurfaceView and SurfaceHolder, Immersive Mode and Full-Screen
6.1 Introduction 218
6.2 Test-Driving the Cannon Game App 220
6.3 Technologies Overview 220
6.4 Building the GUI and Resource Files 222
6.5 Overview of This App's Classes 225
6.6 MainActivity Subclass of Activity 226
6.7 MainActivityFragment Subclass of Fragment 226
6.8 Class GameElement 228
6.9 Blocker Subclass of GameElement 230
6.10 Target Subclass of GameElement 230
6.11 Cannon Class 231
6.12 Cannonball Subclass of GameElement 234
6.13 CannonView Subclass of SurfaceView 237
6.14 Wrap-Up 254
Chapter 7: WeatherViewer App 256
REST Web Services, AsyncTask, HttpUrlConnection, Processing JSON Responses, JSONObject, JSONArray, ListView, ArrayAdapter, ViewHolder Pattern, TextInputLayout, FloatingActionButton
7.1 Introduction 257
7.2 Test-Driving the WeatherViewer App 258
7.3 Technologies Overview 259
7.4 Building the App's GUI and Resource Files 265
7.5 Class Weather 269
7.6 Class WeatherArrayAdapter 272
7.7 Clas