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C Primer Plus is a carefully tested, well-crafted, and complete tutorial on a subject core to programmers and developers. This computer science classic teaches principles of programming, including structured code and top-down design.

Author and educator Stephen Prata has created an introduction to C that is instructive, clear, and insightful. Fundamental programming concepts are explained along with details of the C language. Many short, practical examples illustrate just one or two concepts at a time, encouraging readers to master new topics by immediately putting them to use.

Review questions and programming exercises at the end of each chapter bring out the most critical pieces of information and help readers understand and digest the most difficult concepts. A friendly and easy-to-use self-study guide, this book is appropriate for serious students of programming, as well as developers proficient in other languages with a desire to better understand the fundamentals of this core language.

The sixth edition of this book has been updated and expanded to cover the latest developments in C as well as to take a detailed look at the new C11 standard. In C Primer Plus you'll find depth, breadth, and a variety of teaching techniques and tools to enhance your learning:

Complete, integrated discussion of both C language fundamentals and additional features
Clear guidance about when and why to use different parts of the language
Hands-on learning with concise and simple examples that develop your understanding of a concept or two at a time
Hundreds of practical sample programs
Review questions and programming exercises at the end of each chapter to test your understanding
Coverage of generic C to give you the greatest flexibility

Preface xxvii

1 Getting Ready 1

Whence C? 1

Why C? 2

Design Features 2

Efficiency 3

Portability 3

Power and Flexibility 3

Programmer Oriented 3

Shortcomings 4

Whither C? 4

What Computers Do 5

High-level Computer Languages and Compilers 6

Language Standards 7

The First ANSI/ISO C Standard 8

The C99 Standard 8

The C11 Standard 9

Using C: Seven Steps 9

Step 1: Define the Program Objectives 10

Step 2: Design the Program 10

Step 3: Write the Code 11

Step 4: Compile 11

Step 5: Run the Program 12

Step 6: Test and Debug the Program 12

Step 7: Maintain and Modify the Program 13

Commentary 13

Programming Mechanics 13

Object Code Files, Executable Files, and Libraries 14

Unix System 16

The GNU Compiler Collection and the LLVM Project 18

Linux Systems 18

Command-Line Compilers for the PC 19

Integrated Development Environments (Windows) 19

The Windows/Linux Option 21

C on the Macintosh 21

How This Book Is Organized 22

Conventions Used in This Book 22

Typeface 22

Program Output 23

Special Elements 24

Summary 24

Review Questions 25

Programming Exercise 25

2 Introducing C 27

A Simple Example of C 27

The Example Explained 28

Pass 1: Quick Synopsis 30

Pass 2: Program Details 31

The Structure of a Simple Program 40

Tips on Making Your Programs Readable 41

Taking Another Step in Using C 42

Documentation 43

Multiple Declarations 43

Multiplication 43

Printing Multiple Values 43

While You're at It-Multiple Functions 44

Introducing Debugging 46

Syntax Errors 46

Semantic Errors 47

Program State 49

Keywords and Reserved Identifiers 49

Key Concepts 50

Summary 51

Review Questions 51

Programming Exercises 53

3 Data and C 55

A Sample Program 55

What's New in This Program? 57

Data Variables and Constants 59

Data: Data-Type Keywords 59

Integer Versus Floating-Point Types 60

The Integer 61

The Floating-Point Number 61

Basic C Data Types 62

The int Type 62

Other Integer Types 66

Using Characters: Type char 71

The _Bool Type 77

Portable Types: stdint.h and inttypes.h 77

Types float, double, and long double 79

Complex and Imaginary Types 85

Beyond the Basic Types 85

Type Sizes 87

Using Data Types 88

Arguments and Pitfalls 89

One More Example: Escape Sequences 91

What Happens When the Program Runs 91

Flushing the Output 92

Key Concepts 93

Summary 93

Review Questions 94

Programming Exercises 97

4 Character Strings and Formatted Input/Output 99

Introductory Program 99

Character Strings: An Introduction 101

Type char Arrays and the Null Character 101

Using Strings 102

The strlen() Function 103

Constants and the C Preprocessor 106

The const Modifier 109

Manifest Constants on the Job 109

Exploring and Exploiting printf() and scanf() 112

The printf() Function 112

Using printf() 113

Conversion Specification Modifiers for printf() 115

What Does a Conversion Specification Convert? 122

Using scanf() 128

The * Modifier with printf() and scanf() 133

Usage Tips for printf() 135

Key Concepts 136

Summary 137

Review Questions 138

Programming Exercises 140

5 Operators, Expressions, and Statements 143

Introducing Loops 144

Fundamental Operators 146

Assignment Operator: = 146

Addition Operator: + 149

Subtraction Operator: - 149

Sign Operators: - and + 150

Multiplication Operator: * 151

Division Operator: / 153

Operator Precedence 154

Precedence and the Order of Evaluation 156

Some Additional Operators 157

The sizeof Operator and the size_t Type 158

Modulus Operator: % 159

Increment and Decrement Operators: ++ and -- 160

Decrementing: -- 164

Precedence 165

Don't Be Too Clever 166

Expressions and Statements 167

Expressions 167

Statements 168

Compound Statements (Blocks) 171

Type Conversions 174

The Cast Operator 176

Function with Arguments 177

A Sample Program 180

Key Concepts 182

Summary 182

Review Questions 183

Programming Exercises 187

6 C Control Statements: Looping 189

Revisiting the while Loop 190

Program Comments 191

C-Style Reading Loop 192

The while Statement 193

Terminating a while Loop 194

When a Loop Terminates 194

while: An Entry-Condition Loop 195

Syntax Points 195

Which Is Bigger: Using Relational Operators and Expressions 197

What Is Truth? 199

What Else Is True? 200

Troubles with Truth 201

The New _Bool Type 203

Precedence of Relational Operators 205

Indefinite Loops and Counting Loops 207

The for Loop 208

Using for for Flexibility 210

More Assignment Operators: +=, -=, *=, /=, %= 215

The Comma Operator 215

Zeno Meets the for Loop 218

An Exit-Condition Loop: do while 220

Which Loop? 223

Nested Loops 224

Program Discussion 225

A Nested Variation 225

Introducing Arrays 226

Using a for Loop with an Array 228

A Loop Example Using a Function Return Value 230

Program Discussion 232

Using Functions with Return Values 233

Key Concepts 234
