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Provides instructors with abundant opportunities for innovative lecturing, homework assignments and testing
Presents many conceptual questions interwoven with the theory which can be used for in-class presentations and discussions, homework assignments, tests and assessment, and additional independent study and practice
Provides operational knowledge and electromagnetic fundamentals aimed toward practical engineering applications
This is a textbook on electromagnetic fields and waves completely based on conceptual understanding of electromagnetics. The text provides operational knowledge and firm grasp of electromagnetic fundamentals aimed toward practical engineering applications by combining fundamental theory and a unique and comprehensive collection of as many as 888 conceptual questions and problems in electromagnetics. Conceptual questions are designed to strongly enforce and enhance both the theoretical concepts and understanding and problem-solving techniques and skills in electromagnetics.
Table of Contents
1 Electrostatic Field in Free Space. 1.1 Coulomb's Law. 1.2 Electric Field Intensity Vector Due to Given Charge Distributions. 1.3 Electric Scalar Potential. 1.4 Differential Relationship Between the Field and Potential in Electrostatics, Gradient. 1.5 Gauss' Law in Integral Form. 1.6 Differential Form of Gauss' Law, Divergence. 1.7 Conductors in the Electrostatic Field. 1.8 Electrostatic Shielding 1.9 Charge Distribution on Metallic Bodies of Arbitrary Shapes. 1.10 Image Theory..2 Electrostatic Field in Dielectrics. 2.1 Polarization of Dielectrics. 2.2 Generalized Gauss' Law and Permittivity.2.3 Dielectric-ielectric Boundary Conditions. 2.4 Analysis of Capacitors with Homogeneous Dielectrics.2.5 Analysis of Capacitors with Inhomogeneous Dielectrics. 2.6 Energy of an Electrostatic System.2.7 Dielectric Breakdown in Electrostatic Systems. 3 Steady Electric Currents. 3.1 Continuity Equation, Conductivity, and Ohm's and Joule's Laws in Local.Form. 3.2 Resistance, Conductance, and Ohm's Law. 3.3 Boundary Conditions for Steady Currents. 3.4 Duality Relationships in the Steady Current Field. 3.5 Lossy Transmission Lines with Steady Currents. 4 Magnetostatic Field in Free Space. 4.1 Magnetic Force and Magnetic Flux Density Vector. 4.2 Biot-Savart Law. 4.3 Amp`ere's Law in Integral Form. 4.4 Differential Form of Amp`ere's Law, Curl. 4.5 Law of Conservation of Magnetic Flux. 4.6 Magnetic Vector Potential. 5 Magnetostatic Field in Material Media 5.1 Magnetization Current. 5.2 Generalized Amp`ere's Law and Permeability. 5.3 Boundary Conditions for the Magnetic Field. 5.4 Image Theory for the Magnetic Field. 5.5 Magnetization Curves and Hysteresis. 5.6 Magnetic Circuits. 5.7 Magnetic Energy. 6 Time-Varying Electromagnetic Field. 6.1 Induced Electric Field Intensity Vector. 6.2 Faraday's Law of Electromagnetic Induction. 6.3 Electromagnetic Induction Due to Motion and Total Induction. 6.4 Self-Inductance. 6.5 Mutual Inductance. 6.6 Displacement Current. 6.7 Maxwell's Equations for the High-Frequency Electromagnetic Field. 6.8 Boundary Conditions for the High-Frequency Electromagnetic Field. 6.9 Time-Harmonic Electromagnetics. 6.10 Complex Representatives of Time-Harmonic Field and Circuit Quantities. 6.11 Lorenz Electromagnetic Potentials. 6.12 Instantaneous and Complex Poynting Vector, Poynting's Theorem. 7 Uniform Plane Electromagnetic Waves. 7.1 Wave Equations. 7.2 Time-Domain Analysis of Uniform Plane Waves. 7.3 Time-Harmonic Uniform Plane Waves and Complex-Domain Analysis. 7.4 Arbitrarily Directed Uniform Plane Waves. 7.5 Theory of Time-Harmonic Waves in Lossy Media. 7.6 Good Dielectrics and Good Conductors. 7.7 Skin Effect. 7.8 Wave Propagation in Plasmas. 7.9 Dispersion and Group Velocity. 7.10 Polarization of Electromagnetic Waves. 8 Reflection and Transmission of Plane Waves. 8.1 Normal Incidence on a Perfectly Conducting Plane. 8.2 Normal Incidence on a Penetrable Planar Interface. 8.3 Oblique Incidence on a Perfect Conductor. 8.4 Oblique Incidence on a Dielectric Boundary. 9 Field Analysis of Transmission Lines. 9.1 Field Analysis of Lossless Transmission Lines. 9.2 Transmission Lines With Small Losses. 9.3 Evaluation of Primary and Secondary Circuit Parameters of Transmission. Lines. 9.4 Transmission Lines With Inhomogeneous Dielectrics. 10 Circuit Analysis of Transmission Lines. 10.1 Telegrapher's Equations and Their Solution. 10.2 Reflection Coefficient for Transmission Lines. 10.3 Transmission-Line Impedance. 10.4 Short-Circuited, Open-Circuited, and Matched Transmission Lines. 10.5 The Smith Chart. 10.6 Transient Analysis of Transmission Lines with Step Excitations. 10.7 Analysis of Transmission.