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Skills Development for Tomorrows managers
In its Ninth Edition, Developing Management Skills has become the standard in hands-on management learning. Designed for students of all skill levels and learning styles, the text allows students to apply knowledge to real-world situations, connect concepts to their own lives, and experience management theory in a tactile and engaging way.
Updated for tomorrows managers, this text features contemporary examples, new skill assessments and cases, updated research, and tangible, relevant goals for students to work toward. Focusing on ten essential skills for success in management, Developing Management Skills focuses on what managers actually do, transforming management concepts into practical, actionable techniques.
MyManagementLab not included. Students, if MyManagementLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyManagementLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
MyManagementLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to personalize learning and improve results. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts.
Students will gain hands-on practice applying management concepts with MyManagementLab. Theyll engage in real business situations with simulations, build their management skills by writing and talking about different management scenarios, have access to a videos and current events to help put concepts into perspective, and more.
Developing Management Skills features:
Essential managerial skills. These chapters are then grouped into three parts-Personal Skills, Interpersonal Skills, and Group Skills-so students can see how certain abilities are related to others.
Personal Skills
Developing Self-Awareness
Managing Personal Stress
Solving Problems Analytically and Creatively
Interpersonal Skills
Building Relationships by Communicating Supportively
Gaining Power and Influence
Motivating Others
Managing Conflict
Group Skills
Empowering and Delegating
Building Effective Teams and Teamwork
Leading Positive Change
A five-step Learning Model for promoting an active learning environment. This text contains a five-step learning model that promotes a personalized, hands-on educational experience. Designed to help students master essential management skills, this text's five-step model encourages students to address:
Skill Assessment
Skill Learning
Skill Analysis
Skill Practice
Skill Application
Guidance on contemporary challenges. In the current economic climate, some of the everyday management protocol has changed. This text addresses these challenges and provides guidance on questions like:
How can I help others accept new goals, new ideas, and new approaches?
How can I invigorate those who feel outdated or left behind?
How do I help the ´survivors´ of a downsizing pick up the pieces and move on?
How do I help people with very different agendas and philosophies work together, especially during times of high-stress?
Key features and ideas that enhance skills and emphasize concepts. This text presents several key features and ideas to help integrate a skill-based approach into a lively classroom:
A Resource Locator guide on the first page of each chapter helps students locate the relevant elements of the learning outcomes within the chapter.
Invite students to thoughtfully complete the Skill Assessment Surveys in each chapter. This feature encourages students to assess their abilities.
Encourage students to study the Behavioral Guidelines and the Summary Model at the conclusion of the Skill Learning section of each chapter. This feature helps students identify the key concepts within the chapter.
Emphasize the Skill Application step in the learning process to help students put the concepts in action.
A flexible, affordable, and dynamic experience.
Great content at a great price saves students money and promotes learning.
Premium, most dynamic experience includes MyMangagementLab
The Student Value Edition, a three-hole-punched, full-color version of the premium textbook, is available at a 35%
With everything online, students save even more by purchasing a stand-alone MyManagementLab directly from Pearson.
Instant eTextbook Access: provided by the CourseSmart eBookstore.
Instructors can customize the textbook to include only the material they teach.
New and updated features and passages
NEW! Skill Assessment in Chapter 1
NEW! Case in Chapter 3
UPDATED! Comparison data for each assessment
UPDATED! Student instructions for scoring skill assessments
UPDATED! Research supporting key points in each chapter
NEW! Resource Locator table at the beginning of each chapter in the Instructors Manual that's organized according to the chapters learning objectives.
MyManagementLab not included. Students, if MyManagementLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyManagementLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
MyManagementLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.
The Chapter Warm-up helps you hold your students accountable for learning key concepts in each chapter before coming to class. The assignment consists of basic questions related to topics in the text , and gives students the chance to access their eText to read about the topics in question. Grading and item analysis in the assignment allow you to see what students know and don't know.
Dynamic Study Modules: Not every student learns the same way and at the same rate. Now, thanks to advances in adaptive learning technology, you no longer have to teach as if they do. Dynamic Study Modules assess student performance and activity in real time and, using data and analytics, personalize content toreinforce concepts that target each student´s strengths and weaknesses. You can assign Dynamic Study Modules as homework and receive results right in your gradebook. And, because your students are always on the go, Dynamic Study Modules can be accessed from any computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Enhanced eText: Engagement in lecture is essential to student success, and continuing that engagement outside of class is just as critical. The new Enhanced eText found within Pearson's MyLab keeps students engaged in learning on their own time, while he