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This introduction to antenna theory and design is suitable for senior undergraduate and graduate courses on the subject. Its emphasis on both principles and design makes it perfect both as a college text and as a reference to the practicing engineer. The final three chapters on computational electromagnetics for antennas are suitable for graduate work. Stutzman provides more of a pedagogical approach than its competitors, placing a greater emphasis on a concise easily understandable presentation of fundamentals and applications as well as computational methods. This third edition has been completely revised. New topics have been added on antennas for personal and mobile communications and base station antennas. Coverage of systems applications of antennas, arrays, microstrip and low-profile antennas, and antenna measurements has been updated and expanded, including more examples applied to modern applications.

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

1.1 The History of Antennas 1

1.2 What Is an Antenna and When Is it Used? 10

1.3 How Antennas Radiate 13

1.4 The Four Antenna Types 17

References 22

Problems 22

Chapter 2 Antenna Fundamentals 23

2.1 Fundamentals of Electromagnetics 23

2.2 Solution of Maxwell's Equations for Radiation Problems 27

2.3 The Ideal Dipole 32

2.4 Radiation Patterns 36

2.5 Directivity and Gain 50

2.6 Antenna Impedance 56

2.7 Radiation Efficiency 60

2.8 Antenna Polarization 61

References 66

Problems 66

Chapter 3 Simple Radiating Systems 70

3.1 Electrically Small Dipoles 70

3.2 Half-Wave Dipoles 73

3.3 Monopoles and Image Theory 75

3.4 Small Loop Antennas and Duality 81

3.5 Two-Element Arrays 89

References 97

Problems 97

Chapter 4 System Applications for Antennas 100

4.1 Introduction 100

4.2 Receiving Properties of Antennas 100

4.3 Antenna Noise and Radiometry 103

4.4 Antennas in Communication Systems 107

4.5 Antennas In Wireless Communication Systems 116

4.6 Antennas in Radar Systems 122

4.7 Antennas As Unintentional Radiators 123

References 125

Problems 125

Chapter 5 Line Sources 128

5.1 The Uniform Line Source 128

5.2 Tapered Line Sources 137

5.3 Fourier Transform Relations Between the Far-Field Pattern and the Source Distribution 142

5.4 Fast Wave And Slow Wave Distributions 143

5.5 Superdirective Line Sources 145

References 148

Problems 148

Chapter 6 Wire Antennas 151

6.1 Dipole Antennas 151

6.2 Folded Dipole Antennas 161

6.3 Yagi-Uda Antennas 166

6.4 Feeding Wire Antennas 175

6.5 Loaded Wire Antennas 186

6.6 Ground Plane Backed Wire Antennas 190

6.7 Wire Antennas Above an Imperfect Ground Plane 198

6.8 Large Loop Antennas 205

References 211

Problems 212

Chapter 7 Broadband Antennas 218

7.1 Introduction 218

7.2 Traveling-Wave Wire Antennas 220

7.3 Helical Antennas 225

7.4 Biconical Antennas 233

7.5 Sleeve Antennas 239

7.6 Principles of Frequency-Independent Antennas 243

7.7 Spiral Antennas 245

7.8 Log-Periodic Antennas 251

7.9 Wideband EMC Antennas 261

7.10 Ultra-Wideband Antennas 264

References 266

Problems 268

Chapter 8 Array Antennas 271

8.1 Introduction 271

8.2 The Array Factor for Linear Arrays 272

8.3 Uniformly Excited, Equally Spaced Linear Arrays 278

8.4 The Complete Array Pattern and Pattern Multiplication 286

8.5 Directivity of Uniformly Excited, Equally Spaced Linear Arrays 293

8.6 Nonuniformly Excited, Equally Spaced Linear Arrays 298

8.7 Mutual Coupling in Arrays 303

8.8 Multidimensional Arrays 311

8.9 Phased Arrays and Array Feeding Techniques 314

8.10 Elements for Arrays 327

8.11 Wideband Phased Arrays 332

References 336

Problems 338

Chapter 9 Aperture Antennas 344

9.1 Radiation from Apertures and Huygens' Principle 344

9.2 Rectangular Apertures 353

9.3 Techniques for Evaluating Gain 360

9.4 Rectangular Horn Antennas 368

9.5 Circular Apertures 385

9.6 Reflector Antennas 391

9.7 Feed Antennas for Reflectors 416

9.8 Lens Antennas 424

References 425

Problems 427

Chapter 10 Antenna Synthesis 433

10.1 The Antenna Synthesis Problem 433

10.2 Line Source Shaped Beam Synthesis Methods 437

10.3 Linear Array Shaped Beam Synthesis Methods 440

10.4 Low Side Lobe, Narrow Main Beam Synthesis Methods 446

10.5 The Iterative Sampling Method 459

References 461

Problems 461

Chapter 11 Low-Profile Antennas and Personal Communication Antennas 465

11.1 Introduction 465

11.2 Microstrip Antenna Elements 466

11.3 Microstrip Arrays 478

11.4 Microstrip Leaky Wave Antennas 481

11.5 Fundamental Limits on Antenna Size 488

11.6 Antennas for Compact Devices 498

11.7 Dielectric Resonator Antennas 512

11.8 Near Fields of Electrically Large Antennas 519

11.9 Human Body Effects on Antenna Performance 523

11.10 Radiation Hazards 526

References 531

Problems 533

Chapter 12 Terminal and Base Station Antennas for Wireless Applications 536

12.1 Satellite Terminal Antennas 537

12.2 Base Station Antennas 538

12.3 Mobile Terminal Antennas 545

12.4 Smart Antennas 549

12.5 Adaptive and Spatial Filtering Antennas 553

References 557

Problems 557

Chapter 13 Antenna Measurements 559

13.1 Reciprocity and Antenna Measurements 559

13.2 Pattern Measurement and Antenna Ranges 564

13.3 Gain Measurement 571

13.4 Polarization Measurement 576

13.5 Field Intensity Measurement 580

13.6 Mobile Radio Antenna Measurements 582

13.7 Rules for Experimental Investigations 583

References 584

Problems 584

Chapter 14 CEM for Antennas: The Method of Moments 587

14.1 General Introduction to CEM 587

14.2 Introduction to the Method of Moments 590

14.3 Pocklington's Integral Equation 591

14.4 Integral Equations and Kirchhoff's Network Equations 594

14.5 Source Modeling 596

14.6 Weighted Residuals and the Method of Moments 601

14.7 Two Alternative Approaches to the Method of Moments 606

14.8 Formulation and Computational Considerations 610

14.9 Calculation of Antenna and Scatterer Characteristics 618

14.10 The Wire Antenna or Scatterer as an N-Port Network 621

14.11 Antenna Arrays 625

14.12 Radar Cross Section of Antennas 631

14.13 Modeling of Solid Surfaces 636

14.14 Summary 645

References 646

Problems 647

Chapter 15 CEM for Antennas: Finite Difference Time Domain Method 652

15.1 Maxwell's Equations for the FDTD Method 654

15.2 Finite Differences and the Yee Algorithm 657

15.3 Cell Size, Numerical Stability, and Dispersion 664

15.4 Computer Algorithm and FDTD Implementation 667

15.5 Absorbing Boundary Conditions 670

15.6 Source Conditions 674

15.7 Near Fields and Far Fields 681

15.8 A Two-Dimensional Example: An E-Plane Sectoral Horn Antenna 682

15.9 Antenna Analysis and Applications 689

15.10 Summary 697

References 697