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Blender is a free and open source graphics program for computer modeling and animation. It contains all the tools necessary for creating models and scenes that may be made into still images or animated movies. Like its predecessors, the third edition of The Complete Guide to Blender Graphics: Computer Modeling and Animation provides a single, comprehensive, up-to-date source for using Blender. It introduces the Blender features with examples and diagrams referenced to the graphical user interface (GUI), the arrangement of windows and panels containing the controls for operating the program.
In addition to revisions to match the most recent version of Blender, fresh examples have been added. The contents have been organized into a building-block fashion, presenting basic subjects such as textures and lighting in the early chapters before explaining their roles in more complex techniques such as fluid and smoke simulation in later chapters. The book also covers alterations that have been made to the GUI and significantly expands discussions of advanced features, enabling veteran and beginning users to take advantage of the full potential of Blender.
This book also has a companion website, www.silverjb.limewebs.com, offering supplementary material for using further advanced techniques once the concepts and methods presented in the book have been adequately mastered. These techniques include fracturing, building walls or obstacles that can be demolished, dynamic painting, and path animation.
Blender is a program in constant development, with new features being added progressively. This new edition of The Complete Guide to Blender Graphics gives detailed instruction on the latest version of the program. Using visual references and practical examples, it removes the frustration from the learning process in using the basic and advanced capabilities of Blender.
Table of Contents
Blender Platforms
Blender Versions
Graphical User Interface
The Blender Interface
The Graphical User Interface
The Blender Screen
Interface Input
Keyboard Shortcuts
Window Arrangements
The User Preferences Window
Preset Interface Arrangements
The 3D Window
Window Modes
Object Tools Panel (Tool Shelf Panel)
Moving in 3D Space
The Blender View Menu
The Properties Window
Blender Windows
Python Script
The Outliner Window
Multiple Scenes
Navigate and Save
Windows File Explorer (Windows Explorer)
The Append or Link Command
Packing Data
Importing Objects
Creating and Editing Objects
Working with Basic Meshes
Placing Objects in the Scene
Edit Mode and Object Mode
Mesh Types
Cursor Placement
Moving Objects
Scaling Objects
Rotating Objects
Precision Manipulation
The Transformation Widget
Selecting Vertices, Edges, and Faces
Mesh Vertex Editing
Edit Mode Selection Options
Creating Vertices
Center Points
Object Display
Smooth and Flat Shading Options
Proportional Vertex Editing
Extruding Shapes
Creating Ground
Edge Loop Selection
Inset Faces
Joining and Separating Meshes
Object Groups
Deleting Vertices, Edges, or Faces
Adding Faces
Spin and Spin Duplicate
The Knife Tool
Bezier Curves and Circles
Sculpt Mode
Extruding a Cup
Extruding a Trough Method 1
Using Dupliverts
Introduction to Materials
Material Settings
Material Buttons
Material Colors
Adding a New Material
The Preview Tab
The Diffuse Tab
The Specular Tab
The Hardness Value
Ramp Shaders
Halo Settings
Transparency and Reflection
Vertex Painting
Materials and the GUI
The Outliner Window
Multiple Material Slots
Assigning Texture Color
Introduction to Textures
Material Textures
Texture Display in the 3D Window
Texture Mapping
Displacement Mapping
Texture Surface Displacement
UV Mapping
Selective UV Texture Mapping
Unwrapping with Seams
Texture Paint
World Settings
Introduction to World Settings
Texture as Background
Image as Background
Image as Template
Lighting and Cameras
Lighting Types and Settings
Lamp Settings
Camera Settings Options
Camera Switching
Camera Tracking
Rendering and Ray Tracing
Rendering an Image or Movie
Rendering a JPEG Image
Rendering a Movie File
More Movie File Rendering
Video Codecs
Making a Movie
Ray Tracing
Cycles Ray Trace Rendering
Animation Basics
Introduction to Animation
Moving, Rotating, and Scaling
Viewing Your Animation
The Graph Editor Window
Editing the Curve
Other Types of Curves
Modifying Curves
Automatic Key Framing
Rotation Explained
Rotation Using F Curves
Animating Other Features
Keying Sets
Vertex Animation
Animation Following Curves
Displacement Sound Animation Control
3D Text
Introduction to 3D Text
Creating 3D Text in Blender
The Object Data Button ´F´
Creating Text on a Curve
Converting Text to a Mesh Object
Converting Text to a Curve
Elefont 3D Text
NURBS and Meta Shapes
Creating a Lofted Tunne
Meta Shapes
Introduction to Modifiers
Modifier Stacks
Modifiers for Modifying
Modifiers for Generating
Modifiers for Deforming
Modifiers for Simulating
Particle Systems
Setting Up the Default Particle System
Particle Settings and Material Influence
The Particles Panel
Starting a Particle System
Material Influence on Particles
Particle Interaction
Wind Force
Sample Particle Settings
Keyed Particle Systems
Boids Particle Systems
Hair Particle Systems
The Assignment Tab
Fluid Particles
Child/Parent Relationships and Constraints
Child/Parent Relationships
Introduction to Constraints
Transform Constraints
Tracking Constraints
Relationship Constraints
Duplicating along Curves
Extruding along Curves
The Follow Path Constraint
Adding an Armature
Single Bone Armatures
Armature Display Types
Multibone Armatures
Deforming a Mesh Object
Armature Modifiers
Humanoid Armatures
Disconnected Bones
Vertex Groups or Field of Influence
Inverse Kinematics
IK Constraint
Character Rigging
Shape Key and Action Editors
Shape Key Editor
Action Editor
Shape Keys and Action Editor in Practice
Fluid Simulation
Introduction to Fluid Simulation
Basic Setup (Scenario 1)
Basic Setup (Scenario 2)
Fluid Simulation with Particle Objects
Fluid Simulation with Control Objects
Smoke Simulation
Smoke Generation
Creating Smoke from Scratch
Create a Domain
Smoke from a Mesh Object
Flow Object
Domain Settings for Rendering