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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: That´s One Fancy Hammer!
Chapter 2: Let´s Start with the Sky
Chapter 3: Game 1: Ticker Taker
Chapter 4: Code Comfort
Chapter 5: Game #2: Robot Repair
Chapter 6: Game #2: Robot Repair Part 2
Chapter 7: Don´t Be a Clock Blocker
Chapter 8: Ticker Taker
Chapter 9: Game #3: The Break-Up
Chapter 10: Game #3: The Break-Up Part 2
Chapter 11: Game #4: Shoot the Moon
Chapter 12: Action!
Appendix: References
Chapter 1: That´s One Fancy Hammer!
Introducing Unity 3D
Unity takes over the world
Browser-based 3D? Welcome to the future
Time for action - Install the Unity Web Player
Welcome to Unity 3D!
What can I build with Unity?
Completely hammered
Should we try to build FusionFall?
Another option
Off-Road Velociraptor Safari
I bent my Wooglie
Big Fun Racing
Walk before you can run (or double jump)
There´s no such thing as ´finished´
Stop! Hammer time
Explore Bootcamp
The wonders of technology!
The Scene window
The Game window
The Hierarchy
The Project panel
The Inspector
Heads up?
Layers and layout dropdowns
Playback controls
Scene controls
Don´t stop there-live a little!
Big ambition, tiny games
Chapter 2: Let´s Start with the Sky
That little lightbulb
The siren song of 3D
Features versus content
A game with no features
Mechanic versus skin
Trapped in your own skin
That singular piece of joy
One percent inspiration
Heads up!
Artillery Live!
The mechanic that launched a thousand games
Toy or story
Redefining the sky
Let´s begin
Chapter 3: Game 1: Ticker Taker
Kick up a new Unity project
Where did everything go?
´Tis volley
Keep the dream alive
Slash and burn!
The many faces of keep-up
Creating the ball and the hitter
Time for action - Creating the ball
A ball by any other name
Time for action - Renaming the ball
Origin story
Time for action - Moving the ball Into the ´sky´
Time for action - Shrinking the ball
Time for action - Saving your scene
Time for action - Adding the paddle
What is a mesh?
Poly wanna crack your game performance?
Keeping yourself in the dark
Time for action - Adding a light
Time for action - Moving and rotating the light
Extra credit
Are you a luminary?
Who turned out the lights?
Darkness reigns
Time for action - Camera mania
Time for action - Test your game
Let´s get physical
Time for action - Adding physics to your game
Understanding the gravity of the situation
More bounce to the ounce
Time for action - Make the ball bouncy
Following the script
Chapter 4: Code Comfort
What is code?
Time for action - Writing your first Unity script
A leap of faith
Lick it and stick it
Disappear Me!
It´s all Greek to me
You´ll never go hungry again
With great sandwich comes great responsibility
Examining the code
Time for action - Find the Mesh Renderer component
Time for action - Make the ball re-appear
Time for action - Journey to the Unity Script Reference
The Renderer class
What´s another word for ´huh´?
It´s been fun
Time for action - Unstick the script
Gone, but not forgotten
Why code?
Equip your baby bird
Time for action - Creating a new MouseFollow script
A capital idea
Animating with code
Time for action - Animating the paddle
Pick a word-(almost) any word
Screen coordinates versus world coordinates
Move the paddle
Worst. Game. Ever.
See the matrix
Time for action - Listening to the paddle
A tiny bit o´ math
Tracking the numbers
Futzing with the numbers
Time for action - Logging the new number
She´s A-Work!
Somebody get me a bucket
Time for action - Declaring a variable to store the screen midpoint
Using all three dees
Time for action - Following the Y position of the mouse
A keep-up game for robots
Once more into the breach
Time for action - Re-visiting the Unity Language Reference
Our work here is done
Time for action - Adding the sample code to your script
One final tweak
What´s a quaternion?
Wait, what´s a quaternion?
Educated guesses
More on Slerp
Right on target
Keep it up
Beyond the game mechanic
Chapter 5: Game #2: Robot Repair
You´ll totally flip
A blank slate
You´re making a scene
Time for action - Setting up two scenes
No right answer
Time for action - Preparing the GUI
The beat of your own drum
Time for action - Creating and linking a custom GUI skin
Time for action - Creating a button UI control
Want font?
Cover your assets
Time for action - Nix the mip-mapping
Front and center
Time for action - Centering the button
To the game!
Time for action - Adding both scenes to the Build List
Set the stage for robots
Time for action - Preparing the game scene
The game plan
Have some class!
Time for action - Storing the essentials
Start me up
Going loopy
The anatomy of a loop
To nest is best
Seeing is believing
Time for action - Creating an area to store the grid
Build that grid
Now you´re playing with power!
Chapter 6: Game #2: Robot Repair Part 2
From zero to game in one chapter
Finding your center
Time for action - Centering the game grid vertically
Time for action - Centering the game grid horizontally
Down to the nitty griddy
Do the random card shuffle
Time for action - Preparing to build the deck
Let´s break some robots
Time for action - Building the deck
Time for action - Modifying the img argument
What exactly is ´this´?
Random reigns supreme
Second dragon down
Time to totally flip
Time for action - Making the cards two-sided
Time for action - Building the card-flipping function
Time for action - Building the card-flipping function
Pumpkin eater
Stabby McDragonpoker rides again
Game and match
Time for action - ID the cards
Time for action - Comparing the IDs
On to the final boss
Time for action - Checking for victory
Bring. It. On.
Chapter 7: Don´t Be a Clock Blocker
Apply pressure
Time for action - Preparing the clock script
Time for more action - Preparing the clock text
Still time for action - Changing the clock text color
Time for action rides again - Creating a font texture and material
Time for action - What´s with the tiny font?
Time for action - Preparing the clock code
Time for action - Creating the countdown logic
Time for action - Displaying the time onscreen
Picture it
Time for action - Grabbing the picture clock graphics
Time for action - Flexing those GUI muscles
The incredible shrinking clock
Keep your fork-there´s pie!
How they did it
Time for action - Rigging up the textures
Time for action - Writing the pie chart script
Time for action - Commencing operation pie clock
Time for action - Positioning and scaling the clock
Unfinished business
Chapter 8: Ticker Taker
Welcome to Snoozeville
Model behavior
Time for action - Exploring the models
Time for action - Hands up!
Time for action - Changing the FBX